
George Hamilton has been an auctioneer since 1981 and conducted hundreds of auctions. Auctions are a great option for those who are wanting to sell their property quickly. They create wider interest than a listing might, especially in a slower seller’s market. We offer two types of auctions, an in-house/onsite auction, and an online auction. Onsite Auctions are more common when selling houses or tracts of land and online auctions are better for items that can be shipped.

For both options, we itemize and organize all items, photograph, and advertise the event. When it comes closer to the date of the auction we will schedule a preview day for those interested to view the items in person. Onsite auctions are quicker than online auctions, buyers only have a couple of minutes to decide while the bidding is happening and then the bidding closes and the auctioneer moves on to the next item. Online can last a few days to a few weeks but reach a wider audience.

Onsite Auctions

We can host an auction at the physical location giving buyers an opportunity to bid on items or properties in person. The results are immediate, which may be appealing to many.

Online Auctions

Online Auctions are a great way for people who are not able to attend an onsite auction to bid on items. It also gives buyers longer to make a decision. The online system can be a good option for smaller items that people are not as likely to travel for.  It can also be advantageous for larger items like vehicles and equipment that individuals may need more time to consider.

Office: (423) - 554 - 3933
6602 Old State Hwy 28, Pikeville, TN 37367