Personalized Service

For over 35 years, George Hamilton and his team have given countless clients the one-on-one attention needed to successfully buy or sell their land, farm, home, or business.

We can offer this same care and dedication to you.

As proud members of our beautiful community for nearly four decades, we provide the close, personable attention you need, along with all the advantages of modern-day technology to maximize the value of your property. If you are ready to buy, sell, or auction off your property, or if you are interested in our property management services, give us a call or email today!

(423) 802-0296 (George)

(423) 802-4868 (Jim)


What Do You Get?

It has always been our goal to provide clients with personal one-on-one attention no matter the size or cost of the property they want to sell or purchase. If you want to sell, we go all out to reach the targeted audience to get you the best price for your property. If you want to buy, we will search high and low to find the perfect home or property for you. You will get:

  • unmatched local expertise–we are “home grown”
  • an independent firm
  • the latest technologies in connecting buyers and sellers
  • commitment to guiding you “home”

 We Love What We Do!

George Hamilton was born and raised in the Sequatchie Valley. He grew up on a farm in Bledsoe County, graduated from Sequatchie County High School, and went on to earn a degree from MTSU. He got his auctioneers’ and real estate licenses soon after he realized his passion was this line of work. You can find George at the office, on his farm, hunting with his buddies, or playing with his grandchildren.  Jim Thompson grew up on Signal Mountain, overlooking the Valley. He graduated from Red Bank High School and earned his degree in wildlife biology from UT Knoxville. Given this background, Jim has been an avid outdoorsman, developing acres of wildlife habitat, residential sites, and large timber/farm tracts. Along with his two brothers and several friends, Jim has explored and hunted numerous acres in Southeast Tennessee and most states in the country. You can find Jim digging for information on tracts of land for customers and clients, explaining details about the “lay of the land,” visiting with potential clients, checking on his two sons, or talking about a new duck call or new place to hunt!

George Hamilton

P: (423) 802-0296

Jim Thompson

P: (423?) 802-4868

George Hamilton & Jim Thompson

Larry Boyd, Jonathan Compton, and Shannon Land

Larry Boyd and Jonathan Compton work the farm and rental house aspect of the business. They do everything from feeding and moving cattle to every day handy-man issues that arise around the farm, office and rental homes.

Shannon Land mostly works the office, from keeping the books to property management. But she also has been known to pull on her work boots and help with the cattle as needed!

From George to Jim, to Shannon, Larry and Jonathan, all help make George Hamilton Real Estate and Management the hometown personal business that it is.

Real Estate


Whether you are interested in buying a starter home, your forever home, or a piece of property on which to build, hunt, etc., we are here and we will walk you through each step.


  1. Know what you can afford
  2. Getting pre-approved for a loan if necessary
  3. Calling us!
  4. Tell us what you are looking for and we will do the searching for you.
  5. Take a closer look
  6. Make a decision
  7. Make an offer
  8. Inspections & Appraisals
  9. Repairs & Discounts
  10. Closing
  11. You’re a property owner!


We do not believe in a “one size fits all” system; what sells your property may be very different from what sells another. We are defined by our character and are determined to get you the best price possible for your property

Auctions & Property Management

Auctions—Since becoming a licensed auctioneer in the state of Tennessee in 1979, George has conducted hundreds of on-site auctions which we still do. Increasingly, people are choosing the online option which we also handle via this website. The process is simple either way; If you choose to do an on-site auction (appropriate for property and large equipment) we will prepare the site and items to be auctioned, advertise with pictures of each lot on our website, and advertise both in the appropriate local media, including radio and newspapers, and online. If you choose an online only auction, we will take pictures of each lot, and again do the appropriate advertising. Bidders simply log on to our site and register to participate. All bids are placed online, and bidders will be notified if they place a winning bid. We will also make arrangements for items to be picked up.

Property Management—George Hamilton Real Estate owns and maintains several rental properties in Bledsoe and Sequatchie counties. We are also willing and able to manage your properties. We have managed residential and commercial properties in the past, taking the day-to-day issues off of the owner’s shoulders, so-to-speak. George would be glad to discuss details with you at your request. 

Office(423) – 554 – 3933
6602 Old State Hwy 28, Pikeville, TN 37367